‘Fibre to the x’ which is also known as FTTx is a generic term for different optical fibre delivery topologies which are categorized according to where fibre terminated. It’s a collective term for any broadband network architecture which uses optical fibre to provide parts or all of the local loops which are used for last-mile telecommunications.
Fibre for x is a collection of several configurations of fibre deployment which are arranged into two groups which are FTTP/FTTH/FTTB ( these are fibres laid all the way to the building/home/premises) and the second is FTTC/N ( these are fibres laid to the node/cabinet with copper wire to complete the connection). FTTx is the key use to drive new generation access. It describes an important upgrade to the broadband which is available in making a change in the quality and speed of the service.
Optical fibre is used for long-distance of the network while metal cabling is traditionally used to stretch telecom facilities to customers. FTTx deployment covers a large amount of the last distance. Below are some of the fibres and their benefits to customers.
- FTTN which is ‘fibre to the node or neighbourhood’ is an optical fibre which terminates in a cabinet and maybe a few miles from the customer’s building or premises. The cabling is done with copper from the street cabinet to the customer’s premises.
- FTTC which is ‘fibre to curb or cabinet’ is an optical fibre that usually terminates at 300 yards from the customer’s building.
- FTTB, on the other hand, is the ‘fibre to the basement or building’. This optical cabling terminates at the building. It delivers services to individuals unit from the terminus.
- FTTH known as ‘fibre to the home’ is optical cabling which terminates at individual business places or home.
- FTTP which is known as ‘fibre to the premises’ is used to encompass FTTB and FTTH deployment. It is used sometimes to indicate a particular fibre network for both businesses and homes.
Just as fibre optic cable carries data at a very high speed over a long distance, ADSL and copper cables which are used in traditional lines cannot. Major telecommunications providers have selected FTTP as the data to carry 1 Gbit/s. This is symmetrically connected directly to their customers’ building. This configuration ( FTTP configuration) which directly brings or connects fibre to the building can offer a high speed because the remaining segments can use standard coaxial or Ethernet cable.
Fibre is said to be future-proof because it is understood that the data rate of the connection is always limited by the terminal equipment instead of the fibre allowing substantial improvement by upgrading the equipment before the fibre is been upgraded.
With the increase in the world population and high demand for video streaming devices and applications such as Facebook live, YouTube, etc. The demand for reliable bandwidth is on the high side and it has made it crucial as more people continue to use the service as the day goes by.